Mario Balotelli and the Turin hypothesis: Paolo Vanoli goes down flat

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The coach also intervenes, briefly, on the market hypothesis.

Torino is on the hunt for a center forward after Duvan Zapata’s dramatic injury, which will force the Colombian striker to end his season as early as October. To replace their captain, the Granata are sifting through the free agents market, among whom is Mario Balotelli. And on the possibility of signing the latter, Paolo Vanoli also briefly expounded.

The Torino coach attended the Palermo Football Conference on Monday, dwelling in addition to his career precisely on Zapata's injury and his possible replacement. "We know the boy's importance for the team, I feel so sorry for him,” said Vanoli. “Each of us now will have to give something more for Duvan. Balotelli in his place? Let’s not talk about these things".

According to 'La Stampa', several agents and intermediaries have already proposed the 34-year-old striker, currently without a contract after the end of his adventure in Turkey, to Torino. At the moment, Balotelli is training in Brescia very steadily.

As for Duvan Zapata, ruthless the bulletin on the player's injury: "The instrumental examinations to which è Duvan Zapata underwent showed an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament, medial meniscus and lateral meniscus. The entire Torino Football Club affectionately embraces Duvan with the wish to see him again as soon as possible on the field with the granata" jersey.

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