Nino Frassica takes the field for Messina

Frassica says yes to Messina
The appeal to revitalize Messina soccer could not lack the response of a superfan, a personality who has always demonstrated his attachment and sense of belonging to his city. Nino Frassica has thus decided to link his image to Acr Messina for the 2022/23 sports season. He will be the testimonial for the upcoming sports season. More details will be provided during the press conference presenting the show that Nino Frassica will hold with the Plaggers next July 9 in Piazza Duomo.
A collaboration that was also born thanks to the personal relationships and mutual esteem between Nino Frassica and general manager Lello Manfredi.
“We are proud that a great artist, who has always been in love with Messina and Messina, wanted to join us in this revival season,” says president Pietro Sciotto. “We all know the love that Nino Frassica has for our team, he has shown it in films and in his performances. Now he is officially one of us. Welcome to the Acr Messina family.”