Paulo Dybala: Napoli does not close the door

Dybala is still waiting to know his future
The retreats of almost all teams have started, but Paulo Dybala is still standing still, waiting to know his future. The Argentine striker will train in the coming days in Turin with a trusted trainer, and meanwhile he is waiting for signals from Inter, Roma and even Napoli.
The vice president of the Azzurri club Edoardo De Laurentiis to the journalists present in Dimaro had this to say about the Joya: “Dybala? The ways of the Lord are infinite.” On Koulibaly’s permanence he is clearer: ” Koulibaly besides being a great player has shown himself to be a great man. For us to confirm him as a player and manager is the most important thing in the world. As they wanted to do with Albiol, who unfortunately made other choices.”