Torino: quarrel with Ivan Juric, Davide Vagnati explains his reasons.

An official explanation after the heavy disagreement.
On Wednesday there were reports of a quarrel involving Ivan Juric, Torino coach, and the granata dt Davide Vagnati. It was the latter who allowed himself to the microphones of ‘Sky Sport’ to give his version of events.
“We had an argument certainly not nice to see. But it can happen, when two people care about doing things in a certain way,” Vagnati explained. “We are trying to do the best we can, in the context of a complicated soccer market. But we will bring to coach Juric the players he needs.”
“After arguing we hugged, the matter ended there,” the Turin dt ensured. “We care about doing things the best we can, and we are real people who tell each other in the face how things are. We had a fight, but despite that we can start again. Because we have a great coach, and we will do what needs to be done as soon as possible.”
Vagnati then also commented on the passage in which, during the altercation, he reminded Juric that he defended him. “Yes, I defended him. But when you argue in that world, you can also say things like that. The important thing to understand is why you argue, and the reason is that we all want to do the best for Torino,” the granata executive concluded.