Yellow Flames, changing of the guard at the head of the Athletes’ Core.

Changing of the guard
It took place in Predazzo (TN), at the “Gen. Carlo Valentino” Barracks, Headquarters of the Yellow Flames Skiing Group, the ceremony of turnover in the position of Commander of the V Athletes Unit between Lt. Col. Gabriele Di Paolo (transferring) and Capt. Gianluigi Mariani (taking over).
The event was held in the presence of the Commander of the Guardia di Finanza Sports Center, Gen. B. Flavio Aniello, and a large representation of athletes, technicians and government personnel of the yellow-green Sodality dedicated to winter and ice sports.
After seven years of service at the helm of the V Nucleus, in a period marked by numerous and historic successes achieved by yellow-green athletes in the international arena – above all the Olympic, world and world cup medals won, including in the Paralympic field, by champions of the caliber of Sofia Goggia, Luca De Aliprandini, Dorothea Wierer, Pietro Sighel, Andrea Cassinelli, Arianna and Martina Valcepina, Davide Ghiotto and Giacomo Bertagnolli (to name just a few) – Lt. Col. Gabriele Di Paolo, former Commander of the athletics “Fiamme Gialle” from 1997 to 2015, and in the last four years appreciated representative of the Military and State Sports Groups within the Federations of winter sports (F.I.S.I.) and ice sports (F.I.S.G.), returns to the Headquarters in Castelporziano (RM) with the new and strategic position of Vice Technical-Agonistic Commander of the Guardia di Finanza Sports Center.
The successor Capt. Gianluigi Mariani, coming from the Guardia di Finanza Company of Cuneo, where he held his first command post of a Territorial Operational Department, has previously served at the Company of Tessera (VE) and at the Alpine School of Predazzo, the latter location that now sees him return for this prestigious and certainly exciting assignment at the helm of winter sports and ice targati “Fiamme Gialle.”