Olimpia beats Cantù under the eyes of Gregg Popovich

The scrimmage at the Mediolanum Forum saw the meneghini impose 95-79
Wednesday afternoon in Milan, at the Mediolanum Forum training gym, Acqua S.Bernardo Cantù played a closed-door scrimmage against reigning Italian champions Olimpia. The meneghini, despite being re-staffed due to the many national teams engaged with their respective selections, managed to impose 95-79 under the eyes of Gregg Popovich, NBA legend with five titles in his trophy cabinet and an Olympic gold medal won with the U.S. national team.
Cantù came to the two-ball with Rogic, Stefanelli, Nikolic, Baldi Rossi and Hunt; Milan, on the other hand, although lacking many elements, could still field some EuroLega stars of the caliber of Shavon Shields and Brandon Davies in the quintet.
The first quarter, played immediately at a very high pace, ends with the hosts ahead: 31-23 at the 10′ mark. At the end of the first half, the White and Blue were also mocked at the buzzer of the second period, conceding a two-point basket; the second ten minutes ended 24-17 for the meneghini. Rogic and Nikolic among the most incisive in the first half. The third period is won by Cantù with ample merit, ahead 17-14. The fourth and final period ends 26 to 22 in favor of the locals. The overall score of the joint practice rewards Olimpia, victorious with the final result of 95 to 79.
21 points by Rogic, top scorer in the Acqua S.Bernardo house. For Milan, 21 points by newly acquired Brandon Davis.