Sinisa Mihajlovic doesn’t stand for it: ‘I don’t understand this exoneration’

Sinisa Mihajlovic doesn’t stand for it: ‘I don’t understand this exoneration’
Through the columns of Gazzetta dello Sport, Sinisa Mihajlovic wanted to say goodbye to Bologna fans: “I have often had to say goodbye to fans, players, clubs, cities, to say farewell or goodbye. It is part of the career of a player and a coach to leave sooner or later. Sports cycles are born, develop, give satisfaction, sometimes disappointment, and then inevitably end. Nothing is eternal. But this time the taste left by my turning back one last time is sadder.”
“Because I say goodbye not only to a fan base that has loved and supported me in these three and a half years rich in soccer and life, in tears of joy and pain, in successes, falls and restarts. Greetings from brothers and fellow citizens. My adventure in Bologna was not only soccer, it was not only sports… It was a union of souls, a walking together inside a dark tunnel to see the light again. I felt the esteem for the coach and the esteem for the man. Your warmth warmed me in the most difficult moments. I tried to repay all this affection with my total commitment and attachment to the jersey: never sparing myself on the field or from a hospital bed. So many years in Italy and the suffering experienced have softened me, but not changed me completely. I have smoothed some corners, but I remain an often hard, blunt, brusque Serb: I have not always known how to express my feelings of gratitude. Maybe I don’t know how to give too many sweet words, how to launch myself into so many hugs: but I have responded “present” with my fierce sense of duty, neglecting nothing of my work, playing my role to the fullest, even under the most dramatic conditions, to give the fans and Bologna the satisfaction they deserve. I hope I have succeeded at least in part. In our three and a half years together we achieved an incredible tenth place, then twice a twelfth and finally a thirteenth. Always achieving, in spite of everything – and you know what that ‘everything’ was – a quiet salvation: trying to play proactive and offensive soccer, launching young people and allowing the club to earn a lot with the outgoing market, as the last few sessions have shown.”
“Could I have done even better? Maybe. Did I give it my all? Yes, without the slightest doubt. And this allows me to look at everyone with my head held high and not reproach myself for anything. If I succeeded, however, it is also thanks to you fans and all of Bologna. I will never forget your processions to the sanctuary of San Luca for me, the encouragements, the ‘come on Sinisa don’t give up’ when you met me on the street, at Casteldebole, at the stadium. And my emotion when I received the honorary citizenship feeling like a Bolognese among the Bolognese. I have never been a hypocrite, I will not be one this time either: I do not understand this exoneration. I accept it, as a professional must do, but I considered the situation absolutely under control and improvable. The company was not of the same opinion as me. We are just on the fifth day, I have a hard time thinking that all this depends only on the latest results or the standings and is not a decision that has been hatching for longer. Too bad. I would like to say, however, that my health condition is good and steadily improving. I am no longer treating myself, I am just having increasingly occasional checkups. I have been following all the training sessions in Casteldebole these weeks: my only temporary impediment is not being able to expose myself for too many hours to strong sun. But I have not missed a day. Nothing prevents me from working and going to the bench. This is not the time for football analyses of the last period, the market, the handling of some situations that I did not agree with. Now, in remembering so many unique and unforgettable moments, I just want to say thank you.”
“Thanks to the passionate fans of Bologna. To the society, with some legitimate exclusions of mine. To President Saputo who allowed me to work here for three and a half years, showing me trust for a long time. To the old managers of these years, from Claudio Fenucci to Walter Sabatini to Riccardo Bigon, who have always been close to me, on and off the field. To the medical, communication and all the components that work for Bologna every day with love and passion. To my staff, who have always supported me. To my players who in these seasons have never backed down: I hope I have improved them and made them grow. They have borne my reproaches, sometimes harsh, and have shown me on several occasions, moving me, that they love me as I have sincerely loved each one of them. Finally, I thank Sant’Orsola Hospital, one of the excellencies of this wonderful city, and I mention, for everyone, Dr. Francesca Bonifazi. I wish Bologna and all the fans the best sporting success: to my successor I leave a healthy group, a culture of work and, I believe, important values shared with this environment. I will see you again, I hope soon, on the field. Whatever jersey I wear, I will never be an opponent, but always one of You,” the letter concludes.
SInisa Mihajlovic’s career in photos: browse the gallery!