Matteo Berrettini growls: ‘Desire for revenge’

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Matteo Berrettini spoke ahead of Davis Cup match

Matteo Berrettini paws ahead of Italy’s Davis Cup match against Croatia in Bologna: “In recent years for various reasons I have never managed to be present in Davis. I have so much desire for revenge. I know there will be a full hall here and I want to experience all this,” he told Gazzetta dello Sport.

The Roman tennis player wants to be inspired by Italy’s recent successes in volleyball and basketball: “I got excited with volleyball and of basketball I am a particular fan, I was also in Milan to watch the match with Great Britain and I stopped with the boys in the locker room. Compared to those who play individual sports, they are definitely more used to living as a team and then working for the good of all, I think that’s the most beautiful example to take. Of the blue volleyball players, on the other hand, I was struck by how hard they shoot, I have no idea how they control the ball at those speeds and that’s another thing I have to learn from them.”

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