The Azzurri’s report cards. Enrico Campana calls, Walter Fuochi answers: fail Mannion and Tonut.

The report cards of the Azzurri
Enrico Campana, one who needs no introduction to those who know about basketball, for his very interesting ‘Report Special BasketVISION’ also involved Walter Fuochi of Repubblica. To whom he gave the task of the report cards of the Azzurri engaged in the European championship.
“Seven games played, four won, three lost, the last two strongly impressive, with that heroic turn they took, perfect to be remembered and absolved – noted Fuochi -. Total: we are where we wanted and thought we were. Melli and Fontecchio the best, two certainties: from 7, given also some lapses. Spissu from 6.5, against general distrusts, as did Polonara, and this says that four-fifths of the baptized quintet jumped through the ring of fire. Behind, Pajola from 6, when he cashed the trust, Ricci as well and Datome ditto, with the already established tendency to decline, therefore to be centered in precious but modest distillations. Disappointing and insufficient Mannion and Tonut, from 5, unrated the others (Biligha, Baldasso, Tessitori), given limited uses.”
“To Pozzecco for the overall turnover a wide 6 I give, even of encouragement, having already written and reiterated that the Poz you have to accept him as he is, if you take the package you take it all, that is, the contents and the wrapping – added the pen of the newspaper founded by Eugenio Scalfari -. And if the package seems too colorful, and out of tune for gaudy excesses, what matters is what is inside the box. Well, inside there has been a non-trivial, responsive, supportive, functional Italy, perhaps even beyond its limits, and all of this good or bad he has elicited, with his leaps, rants, credit cards, outlandish metaphors, endless superlatives, heartfelt appeals, tactical blunders. Yet his people played, defended, masked limitations in various roles, produced more than those who had aces and trump lost it. To us only an evil fate took it away.”