Olimpia Milano dedicates the Forum’s parquet floor to Cesare Rubini

“It was his natural environment,” said Giorgio Armani, owner of Olimpia Milano
Olimpia Milano has decided to dedicate the parquet at the Forum d’Assago for home games in the upcoming season to the meneghina club’s flag bearer, Cesare Rubini.
“The values, the competitive spirit, the desire to always be at the forefront, to consider Olimpia a family, were handed down to us by Cesare Rubini and still represent the principles that guide our club. Naming the court after him means not only remembering him, but also honoring him in what was his natural environment,” said the owner of the Lombard club, in words reported by ‘PianetaBasket’.
Rubini played for the red and white team from 1948 to 1957, winning six championships. In addition to those won in the role of player-coach, after retiring in 1957, he also won nine championships on the bench of Olimpia Milano, which he occupied from 1957 to 1973.
Cesare Rubini, who passed away on February 8, 2011, was also a great water polo player: he won Olympic gold with the Italian national team, in 1948 in London.