Genoa, suggestion from Lazio for January

The Grifone leadership is active ahead of the January market
Genoa is continuing to keep a close eye on the market ahead of the January session. The Rossoblù club is looking for a replacement for the injured Marko Pajac but is also sounding out other avenues to strengthen the squad available to coach Alexander Blessin.
Among the favourites to replace the outfielder are those of former Tottenham Danny Rose and two old acquaintances from Serie A: Marvin Zeegelaar and Faouzi Ghoulam. In recent days, however, the name of Martins Silva Dos Santos, a 2003-born Brazilian from Fluminense, has also been raised.
For the three-quarter, on the other hand, the Rossoblù management reportedly has its eye on a talent from our league: it is Luka Romero, class of 2004 owned by Lazio, who, however, is finding little space with Maurizio Sarri and may decide to seek his fortune elsewhere.