Cagliari in trouble, fans send message to Tommaso Giulini

Cagliari in trouble, fans send message to Tommaso Giulini
In the last league match Cagliari was defeated 1-0 by Ternana. The Sardinians are not having an easy time: after the victory with Brescia (dated October 15) came 3 knockouts and 5 draws.
In recent hours, fans of the island club have pointed their fingers at Fabio Liverani and launched the hashtag ‘Ranieri in Cagliari’. The former Watford helmsman left a beautiful memory in Cagliari where he landed in 1988, winning the Coppa Italia in Serie C and taking the Sardinians from Serie C to Serie A in two years. His debut season in the top league ended with the salvation of the islanders, who managed to grab permanence with one round in advance.
The scudetto won by Cagliari at the end of the 1969-70 season has remained in the history of Italian soccer. On the bench was Manlio Scopigno while the team’s star was Gigi Riva: the bomber scored 21 goals, boasting the title of top scorer for the third time in just four years. Riva ended his very long experience on the island in 1977, having scored something like 164 goals.