For Sofia Goggia, it is a decomposed fracture

For Sofia Goggia, it is a decomposed fracture
Through an official note, FISI updated fans on the condition of Sofia Goggia, who was injured during the downhill in St. Moritz: “Sofia Goggia has repoted the decomposed fracture of the second and third metacarpal of the left hand. The champion from Bergamo is on her way to Milan together with Dr. Andrea Panzeri, President of the FISI Medical Commission, where she will undergo immediate surgery. The Medical Commission will do everything to get Sofia directly back to St. Moritz in the evening to take part in tomorrow’s downhill.”
“I felt immediately after the impact with the pole,” Goggia herself recounted, “that something had happened to my hand. At the finish I almost didn’t move it. Too bad because it was a good race: I will do everything to be ready for Saturday’s downhill.”