Genoa, the Frabotta track remains alive but an option from Inter pops up

A lead from Inter is popping up for the Griffin’s wing
Genoa’s management continues to monitor possibilities in the market, with the intention of making inbound deals during the winter window that opened Monday, Jan. 2. The Grifone, despite the return of Domenico Criscito, is looking for another outside left back who can give respite to the experienced player who has returned from his experience in Canada.
In recent days there has been much talk about the track that would bring Juventus-owned defender Gianluca Frabotta to Liguria. The class of 1999 played the first part of the Serie B championship with the jersey of Frosinone, currently leading the standings in the cadetteria. The player has reportedly expressed his liking for the Rossoblù option, but the Genoa club will have to find a way to come to an agreement with the Ciociara club.
However, there is no shortage of alternatives: in fact, a possibility has also emerged of seeing Inter-owned Brazilian full-back Dalbert in a Genoa shirt. The 1993 class is back from experiences on loan with Fiorentina, Rennes and Cagliari last season, which ended with the relegation of the island club. The player, who has yet to make his debut this season following an injury suffered during summer training, could arrive in the Ligurian capital on a loan with right of redemption deal.