Paola Egonu in Sanremo: all her excitement after the announcement

From the most prestigious volleyball courts to the Ariston stage, with a feeling of great enthusiasm and pride.
Paola Egonu will be in Sanremo 2023, with Amadeus choosing her as co-host of this year’s Festival along with Chiara Ferragni, Francesca Fagnani and Chiara Francini. An announcement that the volleyball champion welcomed with words that highlight her great joy.
“I am overjoyed, honored by the invitation and aware of this very special occasion,” Paola Egonu said hotly. “When Amadeus called me, I thought it was a joke. Instead it is a dream come true.”
Paola Egonu’s participation in the Sanremo Festival was announced on Sunday, January 15 on Tg1 by Amadeus. “Egonu, a great volleyball champion, a great Italian pride, will be on stage on the evening of Thursday, February 9,” specified the host, who is also artistic director of the singing kermesse.
Reigning European volleyball champion with the Italian national team, winner of two Champions Leagues with Novara and Conegliano and of the World Club Championship in 2021, now a star of VakifBank, Paola Egonu, born in Cittadella on Dec. 18, 1998, is a volleyball icon on and off the court, Repubblica’s Woman of the Year D in 2019, the voice of Sognaluna in Disney Pixar’s animated film ‘Soul’ and former host of a TV episode of ‘Le Iene’.