Luca D’Angelo won’t stand for it and raises his voice: “I don’t think it will ever change.”

Luca D’Angelo won’t stand for it and raises his voice: “I don’t think it will ever change.”
Pisa will host Como on Saturday at 2 p.m. in the 21st day of Serie B: “They are a strong team that was built to have a very important ranking. They have a lot of good players with important careers, to win we will have to play a right game from a mental point of view but also from a tactical point of view,” Luca D’Angelo told a press conference.
The Pisa coach then complained, “The market window is too long. In my opinion it should end the day before the first league game or after the break, but I don’t think it will ever change anything.”
“Sibilli will not be summoned because he has some open negotiations and will not be in the match. Moreo is a player we also followed last year, he has different characteristics from the other strikers we have so I am very satisfied with his purchase,” D’Angelo concluded.