Sampdoria, is Jesé the reinforcement for Dejan Stankovic’s attack

Official arrival of former Real Madrid
Sampdoria has made official Dejan Stankovic’s attacking strike: he arrives from the free agents and is former Real Madrid man Jesé Rodriguez.
“U.C. Sampdoria announces that it has acquired outright the rights to the sports performance of the footballer Jesé Rodríguez (born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, on September 13, 1993),” reads the note released through the official channels of the Blucerchiato club.
The Spanish player comes from a first part of the season played in Turkey, at MKE Ankaragucu, while in the previous two seasons he played for Las Palmas. Before arriving in Liguria, the 1993 class also spent time in Ligue 1, the Premier League and also the Portuguese league, as well as in La Liga.