Brescia: knockout and closed stadium

Brescia: knockout and closed stadium
Brescia has been punished with a 0-3 forfeit and two shifts behind closed doors after disturbances occurred in the return match of the Serie B playout against Cosenza, which saw the Rondinelle relegated to Serie C after nearly 40 years.
“Given the referee’s report in which it was reported that: at the 52nd minute of the second half the match was temporarily suspended due to the throwing of at least ten smoke bombs on the field of play, following the aforementioned throwing some supporters of Soc. Brescia invaded the field of play forcing the match officials and the players of the two clubs to return to the locker room, after about 20/25 minutes the Match Director returned to the field of play and, confronting the Head of Public Order, who communicated that there were no safety conditions to resume, permanently suspended the match;”
“Given, moreover, the report of the collaborators of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office in which, among other things, it was reported that, in the areas surrounding the stadium, clashes occurred between the Police and the supporters of Soc. Brescia, which resulted in the injury of some of the supporters, representatives of the Police Force and stewards, as well as damage to three Police cars and two Carabinieri cars, so much so that only late in the night did the match officials and members of the two clubs manage to leave the playing facility; by virtue of the seriousness of the facts described above the Soc, Brescia must answer, by way of strict liability, ex art. 26 paragraph 1 CGS, therefore it must be sanctioned, even if the circumstances envisaged by art. 29 paragraph 1 lett. a) and b) CGS, ex art. 8 paragraph 1 lett. e) and 10 paragraph 1 CGS, are met;
“P.Q.M. resolves to inflict on Soc. Brescia the loss of the match with the score of 0-3, in addition to the sanction
of the obligation to play two matches behind closed doors.
Four disqualified, two on each side: three days for Karacic (Brescia) and Rigione (Cosenza), one each to Labojko (Brescia) and Voca (Cosenza).