NBA, Portland in no hurry to say goodbye to Damian Lillard

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The all-star has asked to be traded and would like to play with the Miami Heat

After 11 years in Portland, Lillard has made it known he wants a change of scenery. His dream is to play with the Miami Heat. A wish that could come true but not anytime soon, at least according to Trail Blazers GM Cronin.

“We’ll be patient; we’ll do what’s best for our team. We’ll see how it plays out. And if it takes months, it will take months,” the Portland GM’s words, effectively slowing the possible All Star trade.

Lillard is bound to Portland by a $200 million mega-contract for the next four years, allowing Portland to take its time to make the best choices for the team: “Don’t be rushed. Don’t make quick decisions just to solve what seems like a problem. What I’ve learned, is that patience is the key quality in these situations,” GM Cronin’s quip to ESPN. In short, it will not be easy for Lillard to settle in Miami, at least not quickly.

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