NBA, LeBron James picked a new number

It will be his 15th season with the legendary number 23
Twist. Not only has he decided to continue playing, but LeBron James has also decided to change his jersey number. The Los Angeles Lakers ace has chosen to return to play with jersey number 23, a number he will, therefore, wear for the 15th time in 21 total seasons.
A true tribute, as LBJ himself explained, “It was LeBron’s decision, he did it out of respect for Bill Russell,” said his agent Rich Paul. At the time of the Boston Celtics ace’s passing, the NBA decided that the No. 6 of the iconic long white-and-white would never be seen on an NBA basketball court again. LBJ decided to continue playing with No. 6 just in honor of his great idol. Now it is time to open a new chapter with a resounding throwback.
“For me to wear No. 6 this season will be an honor-I’m not sure if I will continue to do so, but for now I will wear it in his memory. It means so much to me: losing such an icon broke all of our hearts. We know what he meant to the NBA, to the Celtics and what he did off the court for people of color, speaking out on issues that were not comfortable,” King James had told ESPN last September. Without a shadow of a doubt, LeBron James’ “new” 23 will be highly sought after by fans. A return to the past that will also bring marketing benefits to the Los Angeles Lakers and LBJ himself.