Val Gardena, candidacy for the World Cup

Alpine Skiing, Worlds
The Saslong Classic Club has reached a new milestone on its path to the 2029 Alpine Ski World Championships. The organizers of the World Cup in Val Gardena, who can count on the strong support of the Italian Winter Sports Federation FISI and its President Flavio Roda for their ambitious project, submitted the dossier to FIS, the International Ski and Snowboard Federation, in due time in recent days.
The dossier is a kind of bid folder in which the various candidates for the World Championships present their vision of the event and their intentions on how to possibly organize and host it. The document includes very technical aspects (logistics, slopes, race program, weather statistics), financial and legal data (budget, insurance), marketing and communication measures, but also insights into the cultural peculiarities of the respective territories. In its call for proposals, FIS pays special attention to the issues of sustainability, inclusion and equal opportunities.
Over the past year and a half, a team of eight experts has been working intensively on Val Gardena’s dossier for the World Championships. The document contains more than 200 pages of information in the form of text, graphics and photos. To make the digital questionnaire as multimedia as possible, links to some short videos were also included. An essential part of the dossier are then the declarations of intent from various political, scientific or humanitarian institutions that have already pledged to support and cooperate with the World Championships project in case of victory.
“Our bid is based on four pillars: sportsmanship, legacy for future generations, participation and respect for the environment. Values that are also shared by the Italian Winter Sports Federation FISI, our main supporter. I would like to thank our team for preparing the dossier, but also all the institutions and partners who believe in our big dream of a World Alpine Ski Championship in Val Gardena in 2029. We sincerely hope that in about ten months the FIS will give us their trust,” says Rainer Senoner, president of the Saslong Classic Club and the bid committee.
“The Italian Winter Sports Federation has supported Val Gardena’s candidacy project from the very beginning, believing it to be highly competitive at the world level and deserving of the attention and appreciation of all components of the international federation,” added FISI President Flavio Roda. “Now it’s a matter of dealing with the final part of the candidacy and convincing future voters of the goodness of the Italian proposal for 2029. Once again, we will be at the side of the organizing committee, making every effort to ensure that the World Championships come to Val Gardena, and thus become the next great sporting event in the Italian mountains.”
During the fall FIS meeting in Zurich at the end of September, the dossier for the World Championships will be briefly presented to the FIS Evaluation Committee. In case of ambiguities, the document may be reviewed by the individual candidates before the various commissions of the International Ski and Snowboard Federation verify the accuracy of the information during local inspections. After the final presentation at the upcoming FIS Congress in Reykjavik, the FIS Executive Committee will award the 2029 World Championships on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.