Treviso, Alessandro Zanelli does not fear competition

The words of Alessandro Zanelli
Alessandro Zanelli, point guard of Nutribullet Treviso, gave an interview to the “Tribuna di Treviso,” in which he said he is not worried by the dense competition in his role. “It doesn’t scare me,” he stressed, “Let’s say that the roles in basketball are no longer so defined: I know that the coach’s idea is to have as many outside players as possible, so as to attack from the dribble and create for teammates. The offensive part will be very much on the shoulders of us who play outside and it is therefore right that there are many alternatives and a wide range of choices: this department will be our strength. Moreover, for me it will be a pleasure to be able to compare myself with such players, the fact does not scare me at all.”
On the market of the white-blue team he said, “To me it seems that we are setting up a very good team: clearly several of these players before today had never played in Italy, but reading and inquiring about them I can say that they will bring great talent to Treviso Basket. Another detail: it looks like a deep roster compared to the past and especially with elements almost all quite young, which can grow and improve. I have a great curiosity, I can’t wait to start training to see where we can go.”
“Of course, just look at the market of those who had played with us: Reggio Emilia made a solid team, Scafati confirmed important players: in the end, as always, it will be the details that make the difference, the daily work, the amalgamation between players. If we succeed we will be able to take satisfaction,” Zanelli concluded.