Gianluca Pagliuca sad for Milos Teodosic

The words of Gianluca Pagliuca
Gianluca Pagliuca, a former goalkeeper and big fan of Virtus Bologna, gave an interview to ‘Il Resto del Carlino’ in which he confessed his sorrow over Milos Teodosic’s farewell: “Saddened by his farewell? Who would not be in front of the farewell of a player who won a Scudetto and a EuroCup here, bringing the Black V back to the Euroleague? The time, however, was ripe for this goodbye, and it was clear from the way Milos bid farewell to Virtus. He thanked everyone for these wonderful years while hinting that it was time to go to Red Star where he always wanted to end his career.”
However, the former Samp, Inter and Bologna goalkeeper agrees with the corporate choice: “I share it. Having a 30 million euro budget to finish twelfth in the Euroleague and second in the league is useless. By spending less and maybe risking a few bets like Partizan did last year you can do better in Europe and maybe outplay Milan in Italy. That is why I understand giving up Teodosic.”
Finally, he outlined Virtus’ seasonal goals, not failing to attack the Euroleague: “I think it is plausible to fight to win the Scudetto and in the EuroLeague we have to try to go as far as possible. It’s not a competition I like the most because sporting merit is not taken into account at all, everything is based on business. Soccer has rejected the SuperLeague, maybe basketball should do the same to reiterate that in sports it should be those who win who are rewarded. The rule of multi-year licenses in EuroLeague should be changed.”