Luke and Paul entertain and help Objective3

Luca and Paul entertain and help Objective3
A big laugh to better prepare for the big relay. Luca and Paolo are the protagonists of a mini-series of comedy sketches, whose first episode è online from today on the social channels of Obiettivo3, the project of initiation and support to Paralympic sports founded by Alex Zanardi. Two prestigious testimonials, who have lent themselves with great willingness to spread the message of Obiettivo Tricolore, the relay race of Paralympic athletes of Obiettivo3, whose fourth edition will start on September 9 from Cortina d’Ampezzo to arrive on October 1 in Paris. The four mini-episodes were filmed in early July in San Donato Milanese, near the headquarters of Bmw Italia. Joining Luca and Paolo were two other exceptional testimonials: Olympic cycling champion Paolo Bettini and the historical godmother of Obiettivo3, Senator and Paralympic athlete Giusy Versace. Along with them, two athletes from Obiettivo3, namely para-cyclist Gioacchino Fittipaldi and skier Giorgio Napoli, also took on the role of actors for a day.
The episodes, written by Dario Sanna and directed by Francesco Mansutti, were also meant to be a small tribute to the career of the Genoese comedy duo, with references to their beginnings in the ’90s in the Mtv show Trip and the highly successful sitcom Camera Cafè. The scenes were filmed inside the’cockpit of a’car, with Paolo Kessisoglu driving and Luca Bizzarri at his side, intent on reaching the Obiettivo Tricolore relay race to pedal alongside the athletes. During their journey they will welcome the various guests in the car amid jokes, banter and an unmissable musical moment. Paolo Kessisoglu, a great lover of two wheels, è a longtime friend of Obiettivo3 and in 2021 participated in a leg of Obiettivo Tricolore together with Paralympic athletes Pierluigi Bonafin and Michela Dal Bianco.
"The generosityà of two artists of the caliber of Luca and Paolo, who made themselves completely available to convey the values of our project, is worth more to us than a medal", the words of Barbara Manni, marketing manager of Obiettivo3. "If the mission conceived moreù than six years ago by Alex Zanardi continues, the credit goes to the partners who support us, but also to the many testimonials we have met over the years and who help us to make both Obiettivo3 and the Obiettivo Tricolore" relay race grow more and more.