Sky, big party in October for 20 years in Italy

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Sky, big party in October for 20 years in Italy

Sky celebrates its first 20 years in Italy. And for the occasion on October 2, 3 and 4 in Rome, it will transform the magnificent archaeological site of Museo Nazionale Romano – Terme di Diocleziano into an exceptional TV studio. Appointment with a series of meetings that will take stock of the national and international creative industry, trying to imagine the possible future scenarios of the sector and beyond. But it will also be an opportunity to retrace how Sky has contributed in twenty years to the development of the audiovisual and creative sector, with a commitment that, still today, is to innovate and experiment with new languages, new talents and new technologies, always keeping an eye on the future.  Also at the center of the many panels were the geopolitical, economic, social, environmental and cultural changes that, as never before, are rapidly reshaping our society. To celebrate the anniversary many well-known faces from entertainment, sports and culture, will tell their stories in the first person.  Finally, the opening and closing evenings will be enriched by the presence of musical artists who, in the setting of a unique monumental complex in the world, will indulge the public beyond their songs, in a mix of words and music.

Between interviews, insights and debates, personalities from the world of politics, business, sports, culture, industry, science and entertainment will take turns. Among the guests who will speak: Andrea Abodi, minister of sports; Bruno Barbieri, Antonino Cannavacciuolo and Giorgio Locatelli, star chefs and judges of MasterChef Italia; Carlo Bonomi, president of Confindustria; Alessandro Borghese, chef and TV host; Marina Elvira Calderone, minister of labor and social policies;  Carlo Calenda, secretary of Action; Giuseppe Conte, president of M5S; Guido Crosetto, minister of defense; Giancarlo De Cataldo, writer, playwright and TV author; Raffaele Fitto, minister for European Affairs, Cohesion Policies and PNRR; the Gialappa’s Band with Marco Santin and Giorgio Gherarducci; Valeria Golino, director and actress; Maurizio Landini, secretary of the CGIL; Franco Locatelli, president of the Consiglio Superiore di Sanità; Carlo Lucarelli, writer and TV presenter; Alberto Mantovani,  scientific director of Humanitas; Suraya Pakzad, activist for Afghan women’s rights; Gregorio Paltrinieri, Olympic swimming champion; Pasquale Perrone Filardi, president of the Italian Society of Cardiology; Isabella Ragonese, actress, playwright and theater director;  Maria Rescigno, professor of general pathology at Humanitas University; Elly Schlein, secretary of the Democratic Party; Antonio Scurati, writer; Giuseppe Valditara, minister of education and merit.

During the evenings of Oct. 2 and 4, it will also be possible to attend three meetings between words and music. On Monday will be in the company of the leader of Negramaro Giuliano Sangiorgi, while on Wednesday there will be two appointments, one with Daniele Silvestri and one with Ghemon.

The ‘Sky 20 years’ event will be free and open to the public. To attend in attendance and register, all information available at SKY TG24.IT and SKY SPORT.IT, access will’be guaranteed while seats last

More guests will be announced in the coming days.

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