Lautaro Martinez, renewal in sight

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The future of Lautaro Martinez

Lautaro Martinez more and more nerazzrave; nerazzurro: according to Gazzetta dello Sport by the end of the year will start talks to renew and adjust the contract of the Argentine.

The current deadline, 2026, does not put Inter in a hurry. The Nerazzurri company has at least three other priorities: Mkhitaryan, Dimarco and Dumfries. These will be the next three renewal talks addressed. But there’è the willà once the urgencies are settled, to go to meet the Toro as well.

The goal è to arrive at least until 2028. It would mean that Lautaro would remain, in the plans, at least for 10 years inside Inter. Not many have succeeded. The’last è was Handanovic, from whom Lautaro inherited precisely the role of captain.

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