Fabiano Parisi sends a message to Raffaele Palladino

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Fabiano Parisi sends a message to Raffaele Palladino

Speaking in a press conference after the draw with Juventus, Fabiano Parisi also talked about his future, which until a few weeks ago saw him far from Fiorentina, as confirmed by his agent himself Mario Giuffredi in an interview with Radio Firenze Viola.

"I am a Fiorentina player and I am available and I want to help the team and the club,” stressed the Viola left-back. “I am happy when I play and less so when I don’t play. Let’s see, but now I am a Fiorentina player".

" I feel very good. Then if I play I am even more happy – added the former Empoli player -. Mentally not playing è very hard, forò I think I played a great game".

"I work a lot during the weeks and I know I am always available to the coach. I haven’t played in a long time and it wasn’t è easy to stay focused when you haven’t played in a long time and I was good. Today I had a tough opponent and I was good at hanging in there and challenging him.

" Parisi concluded.

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