Genoa apprehensive about Mateo Retegui

Genoa in apprehension for Mateo Retegui
Bad news in the Genoa household. The Grifone, in fact, risks having to do without Mateo Retegui for the super challenge against AC Milan, scheduled for Saturday night at Marassi at 8:45 p.m.
The Italo-Argentine center forward had to leave the field on the last day of the championship against Udinese after a very hard clash with Kristensen. The Rossobl'striker underwent examinations that ruled out a serious injury. However, the knee pain persists and Retegui è seriously in doubt for the match against the Rossoneri.
For coach Gilardino it would be a very heavy absence, considering Retegui's excellent start, author of 3 goals and an assist in the first seven days of the championship. Moreover, the national team centerman, so far, has è proved to be a judgement against the bigs, having scored against Lazio, Napoli and Roma. All the more reason why the Grifone coach hopes to recover his striker for the match against Milan.