Paola Egonu explains why she spent the year in Turkey

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Paola Egonu explains why she spent the year in Turkey


Italvolley champion Paola Egonu, a guest at the Trento Sports Festival, talked about the reasons why she moved to Turkey in the past before returning to Italy, in Milan.

"To take a satisfaction, I like challenges, in Conegliano we had a strong team but I did not want to sit down. I wanted to complicate things for myself".

On the stage with Egonu also l'the other Azzurra noné her clubmate at’Allianz Vero Volley Milano Myriam Sylla, who replied thusì to Paola"s words: "I also like challenges, but as long asé è possible to manage them in Italy".

Two victories in the first two league matches with Busto Arsizio and Trento, and the mind already projected towards the big goal of the season, the Champions League final, but “the season è long – says Egonu – we now have to think about growing and finding our identity as a team. Now will come the toughest matches”.

The first of these matches will be the October 28 Italian Super Cup in Livorno against Conegliano, the club whose fortunes both Egonu and Sylla have made until 2022 by winning virtually everything there is to win.

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