F1, Monza and Imola until 2030 but need a helping hand

We need to modernize facilities, Monza moreù lagging behind
F1 è beloved in our country. Ferrari è an Italian symbol. Having two GPs in Italy è beautiful. No one wants to give up one of the two Italian stages but we need works to modernize the two circuits. If Imola already has a pretty clear plan, at Monza there are issues to be resolved, as the facility is in the middle of a park.
"Politics must understand that it would be a national success. I am thinking of Prime Minister Meloni and Minister Salvini, but also of the Lombardy Region, from which we expect to get back the ordinary contribution now allocated to the works of the racetrack (5 million euros; ed. ). In addition, local municipalities, which benefit from an induced income of hundreds of millions, must do their part. The model è Imola, which has been financing the’organization of the race", the words of Sticchi Damiani, ACI president, to the Gazzetta dello Sport.
The'idea è clear, which is to sign a pre-contract by the end of 2024. If for the Imola GP there do not seem to be major problems, for Monza è government intervention is needed to have the economic strength to meet the demands of those who govern F1.