Serie B 2023-2024: Sampdoria-Spezia, the likely lineups

Sampdoria-Spezia, the probable formations
The Ligurian derby between Sampdoria and Spezia will open the 14th day of Serie B. Kickoff at 8:30 p.m. at the "Marassi" Stadium. The blucerchiati will try to bring to three consecutive results, while in the aquilotti makes his debut on the bench Luca D'Angelo, who è took over from Massimiliano Alvini.
Pirlo should rely on Sebastiano Esposito as center forward, with Borini and Verre acting as trequartisti, In the middle of the field trust Kasami, Yepes and Vieira. The former Pisa coach, on the other hand, should field the offensive tamdem composed of Verde and Pio Esposito, with Antonucci at the back. In the midfield, space is given to the third of the Esposito brothers, Salvatore, who will be supported by Cassata and Kouda.
Probable lineups
SAMPDORIA (4-3-2-1): Stankovic; Depaoli, Ghilardi, Gonzalez, Giordano; Kasami, Yepes, Vieira; Verre, Borini; Esposito. Coach: Pirlo.
SPEZIA (4-3-1-2): Dragowski; Amian,Nikolau, Muhl, Moutinho; Cassata, Sa. Esposito, Kouda; Antonucci; Verde, P. Esposito. Coach: D'Angelo.