Staggering: eleven players (from the same team) disqualified for four days

Stunning decision
Eleven players all disqualified for 4 days "for insulting expressions and threats against the’referee at the end of the match". È this is what the Sports Judge has decided against players of Consolata, Sassuolo’s First Category formation, after the match they lost Sunday at home 1-0 with the leader Monteombraro and ended in an evidently very stormy manner.
It all è stemmed in minute 93’ from a penalty claimed and not awarded to Consolata that ignited protests. Also fined the companyà becauseé, as stated in the statement "own supporters throughout the match directed insulting expressions towards the’referee. At the end of the match their own members approached the referee addressing threats and insulting phrases to him, while the referee was trying to wriggle out of the melee created by the members he was hit in the back by some Consolata members, which, however, he could not identify causing him intense pain. Subsequently, the’referee went to the emergency room to be checked".