Genoa, Alberto Gilardino without a top with Juventus

Genoa, Alberto Gilardino without a top with Juventus
Alberto Gilardino, speaking in a press conference on the eve of the match against Juventus, scheduled for Friday evening at 8:45 p.m. at the 'Ferraris', announced the absence of Mateo Retegui: "Retegui had a problem in Monza, we have evaluated him in recent days but 90% will not beà of the match".
"The team è angry. There'è desire for revenge and willingness to face this competition with pride and competitive ardor thinking that it is a great opportunity – he then stressed -. Falls in a path of growth there are of a team like ours, for how è it was set up, for the timing and with young players and who have played little together, it takes patience and balance. They are crucial for the continuation of the season. Tomorrow we meet a team of great physical structure, in all departments. We want to play this game, sì angry, but clear-headed and determined of what we have to do inside the match".
Without Retegui, Messias and Gudmundsson are candidates for a shirt from the 1': "I am evaluating and thinking. I will makeò evaluations on the eleven but especially on the bench. There'è need a lot of running, physical duels and quality. The thought does not go to the start but throughout the competition, whoever comes to the bench will have to be ready. I always expect more from those who come in, these are the assessments I am making".
"Canò be in the game. It will be; the first one after a long time. He è trained and è charged like everyone else who will take the field. There'è the will; to play the game as we have always done. Apart from Fiorentina, we have always played it both home and away" he commented on Bani.