San Marino, national team restarts with Roberto Cevoli

Roberto Cevoli è San Marino’s new coach
The San Marino national team has a new technical commissioner: he is Roberto Cevoli, born in 1968, whose most recent experience dates back to 2022 on the bench of Novara, in the Italian Serie C. Making the announcement was the FSGC, the San Marino Football Federation. Cevoli’s name had already been approached in the past to that of the Titans, but the marriage has è been accomplished only now.
"I have often been mentioned among the papable technical commissioners of the San Marino national team in recent years and from my side this possibility has never been discarded a priori, on the contrary – commented, to the FSGC channels, Cevoli himself -. It's an opportunity that I jumped at the chance, as new as it is stimulating. I like to think I am trying to give back to San Marino what I personally received from San Marino in the early days of my career".
"The’goal must always be to improve even more and for this to happen it will be necessary to have everyone’s contribution, in three hundred and sixty degrees. The process already started rests on an important potential for San Marino soccer, which has shown that it is on the right track and, considering the historical moment, full of players of very good quality. With time and work, we can and should aspire to further goals" added the newly appointed coach.
"I am quite familiar with the dynamics of nonprofessional soccer and in my experiences I have had the opportunity to meet many professionals in amateur teams, as well as è the opposite has happened. For the national team to progress along a path that has already proven to be competitive and interesting, mutual trust on the part of all the players in the San Marino soccer system will be indispensable. Collaboration with the clubs in which the players play, of course, will be fundamental and if it is fruitful, everyone will benefit" concluded Coach Cevoli.