Jose Mourinho, messages to Roma: “I want to stay, I will never leave”

The moment is not è simple, but the directions ahead are clear.
José Mourinho wants Roma, today and also in the future. The Portuguese coach’s words are clear and come after the Bologna knockout that launched the Felsinei to fourth place in Serie A at the expense of the Giallorossi, who were chasing the same goal. And the after-match at the Dall'Ara stadium è the opportunity for the Lusitanian to frame his future, as well as the present of his team.
"I want to continue at Roma,” Mourinho said without mincing words to the microphones of 'DAZN' -But if that happens, we have to think well about the fact that è it is better to work with a few more young people than with other players with whom you cannot develop anything. I would like to stay here, and to do that I am also willing to think differently. I have not talked about it with the company yet, but when you see the fans after a game like that è it is hard to be in love with the team you have. For me però a separation would be hard. And if it came, it would never be because of my decision".
Regarding the difficulties of Roma seen in Bologna, one of the issues è the substitution of Renato Sanches after 18 minutes after he entered the field. "I want to publicly apologize to him. For a footballer è it is hard to live through such a situation, but for a coach it è even more so. But without Dybala there is a lack of class, without Lukaku there is a lack of physicality. When both are missing it becomes very hard, I knew it already,", Mourinho confessed.