Ribbon cutting for Formula 75, beautiful memorabilia on display in Villasanta

Ribbon cutting for Formula 75
Ribbon cutting for Formula 75, a retrospective exhibition celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Formula 1 World Championship. Conceived and realized by Enrico Mapelli in collaboration with Ettore Pitonzo, from Saturday morning è hosted at the halls of Villa Camperio in via Confalonieri, 55, in Villasanta (MB). Present at the inauguration, in addition to the curators, were the mayors of Arcore, Maurizio Bono, and Villasanta, Luca Ornago, and Enrico Radaelli, vice chairman of the Board of Directors of the Autodromo di Monza.
Numerous memorabilia can be admired, among them the original helmets of great champions of the past and their overalls: there’è even the one Gerhard Berger wore at Imola in 1989, when his Ferrari caught fire and the Austrian was saved thanks to the’immediate intervention of the ‘Lions’ of the Cea. Also on display are Vittorio Brambilla’s overalls and the giant cup won in 1975 at Zeltweg by the driver from Brianza.
"Organized by Lele Forever Odv, the exhibition è an’opportunityà to remember Gabriele Brandazzi (to whom è the Association is dedicated) on the 25th anniversary of his death. In his short life Gabriele always showed great interest in motor sports: driver and navigator in rallies and especially great fan of Formula 1 and his idol Ayrton Senna" explained Roberto Brandazzi, who did the honors.
The exhibition will remain open to the public until Sunday, March 10, with the following hours: Saturday and Sunday from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. On March 5/6/7/8 from 3:30 to 6 p.m. The’entrance è free.