Tegola for Thiago Motta, a big man in doubt for challenge with Inter Milan

Bologna: Lewis Ferguson trains separately, his presence with Inter in doubt
Bologna, after their triumph against Atalanta, will try to continue their race toward a place in the next Champions League against top-ranked Inter. The eve of the match, however, è characterized by some concern as far as the Felsinei are concerned, as coach Thiago Motta may have to give up one of his best elements for the challenge.
According to the Rossoblù club report, midfielder Lewis Ferguson was not expected to take part in the last training session, carrying out personalized work to improve his non-top physical condition. The final finish will be decisive in assessing the Scottish player’s recovery, however, the Felsinai’s medical staff would have no intention of taking unnecessary risks.
There would be cautious optimism in the Bologna household regarding the possibility of seeing the 1999 class player regularly on the field from 1' against Inter. In case of a precautionary stop, however, Thiago Motta could rely on Fabbian in the role of trequartista, with one of Moro, Aebischer and El Azzouzi going to pair up in the median with Freuler.