Drew Eubanks, message for Gianmarco Pozzecco

Blue aspirations for Drew Eubanks
We are just under four months away from the Pre-Olympic tournament that will decide the last qualifiers to the Five Circles basketball tournament, and just in these days comes from the United States a rather clear expression of interest from a player active in the NBA, Drew Eubanks, long for the Phoenix Suns. Eubanks has Italian ancestry and, as he reported to 'La Gazzetta dello Sport' has already instructed his agent to explore the possibility of playing in the summer with the Italbasket's jersey.
"I have heard of several players acquiring passports and participating in Fiba competitions, è something I would also like so with my agent we are working on it" said Eubanks, 27 years old last Feb. 1° in the NBA (as 'undrafted') from the 2018/19 season after three years in college, at Oregon State.
The pre-Olympic dates could force Eubanks, should the call-up requirements be confirmed and should head coach Gianmarco Pozzecco actually call him up, to take a very short summer break: "The idea of being able to play different basketball in the summer intrigues me and can only be a benefit to my NBA career as well,” he said. The prospect of joining a new group fascinates me, let’s wait and see what happens with the documents and then we’ll decide".
In his fifth season in the NBA, his first in Phoenix, Drew Eubanks è emerged as one of the most interesting elements supporting the Arizona franchise's superstars (Kevin Durant, Devin Booker and Bradley Beal above all). Previous experience has seen him wear the undershirts of the San Antonio Spurs (and G-League affiliate Austin Spurs) and the Portland Trail Blazers.