Sofia Goggia skis toward graduation

When the competitive activity requires a break, a champion è is able to find new, important stimuli.
Sofia Goggia is skiing toward graduation. In the press conference in which she took stock of her physical condition after the dramatic leg fracture, the champion from Bergamo wanted to reveal to the world the activities to which she è dedicated herself in these very complicated months. During which she è dedicated herself, for example, to books. Following up on a purpose that actually comes from even further afield.
"I in parallel have always had in these years my university path in which I am working hard – confessed Sofia Goggia -. I have already given two exams and I have in my belly another 4/5 for the next session. So, interspersing between physiotherapy sessions and training, going to the pool, the various therapies here at home, I try to make use of the time I have available so that I can carry on, study and give as many exams as possible".
During the same press conference, Sofia Goggia also tried to frame the time frame for her return to skiing. "Clinical recovery should take place around three months, once the bone is in place the recovery will become faster, I have plenty of time to follow the path that suits me best. I aim to heal completely and my plans for next season will not change from the current one,” he explained.