Monza, Raffaele Palladino does not trust Napoli

Monza, Raffaele Palladino does not trust Napoli
Here are the words of Monza coach Raffaele Palladino on the eve of tomorrow’s 3 p.m. home match against Napoli.
"Tomorrow we face a strong team: they have had difficulties, but they are still the reigning champions of Italy. Tomorrow’s match è challenging from all points of view, not only for the standings".
"Napoli has great dribblers and shooters – Palladino continued -, for us è a great stimulus to face those who overcame the last championship. These guys are doing something incredible, too many times we take for granted what we are doing”.
“Matteo Pessina’s absence (due to disqualification, ed.) will be heavy for us, but whoever replaces him’will do it to the best of their ability. Starting with the armband on his arm will be Pablo Marì”, concluded Palladino.