Allianz Vero Volley Milan, coach Gaspari frames keys to extend series

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The words of Marco Gaspari ahead of game 2 against Scandicci


Inside-out in the race to the tricolor for the Allianz Vero Volley Milan that tomorrow, Wednesday, April 10 at 8:30 p.m. (live on Rai Sport and, awaits the Savino Del Bene Scandicci at the Allianz Cloud for Game-2 of the Semifinal of the A1 Tigotà 23/24 Series Scudetto Play Offs. Defeated in Game-1 3-0 by the Tuscans on Saturday night, Orro and her teammates are obliged to win with any kind of result to extend the Series against Scandicci to Game-3, to be played possibly again at the Palazzo Wanny in Florence.

There'è regrets in the Milanese lineup for not making the most of the first match, putting themselves in the position of having to get a win at all costs: this is the sentiment of Marco Gaspari's lineup, a few days after the first confrontation with Barbolini's team. In fact, when the Milanese were able to contain the serve and defend Savino Del Bene’s attacks – putting the ball on the floor with Egonu, Sylla and Folie – they managed to create excellent advantage situations for themselves. 

However, the lack of continuity in reception, especially in the second and third parts, gave the hosts the inertia of the match, facilitating the descent of Scandicci (skilled from nine meters with practically all its interpreters, creating serious headaches for Milan) for the decisive stretch already from the first set. Character and a lot of heart: these are the weapons that the Lombardy lineup will have to pull out to defend the friendly court and continue to hope to reach, for the third consecutive season, the Scudetto Final.

On the eve of the second act, Allianz Vero Volleyball Milano coach Marco Gaspari tried to highlight those factors that could allow Paola Egonu and her teammates to extend the series to Game 3: "The Playoffs have this charm of resetting at the end of every challenge, good or bad. Certainly Game 1 highlighted a Scandicci that was patient and a Milan that was in a hurry to close out certain actions.

What we have to change for sure è error management, especially because’on the other side of the net there’s a strong team. This should be a lesson to us, but we must take the field with the awareness of the good things done, be patient in difficult situations; and take advantage of the right moments. We will create opportunities for ourselves, but it will be fundamental to be lucid. I have a lot of confidence in my team".

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