Bernie Ecclestone gets out of line on Max Verstappen

The words of Bernie Ecclestone
Bernie Ecclestone, interviewed by the Daily Mail, had his say on the market sirens concerning Max Verstappen, for whom there was also talk of a possible farewell to Red Bull after years of triumphs: "He seems destined to stay".
"As in every war, people then get over things and move on. After World War II, you could not mention Germany and Jews did not buy anything that came from there;. And that was understandable. But shortly after that they forgot and started buying Mercedes".
Closing remark on Horner: "So I don’t see why anyone would want to kick Christian out. Time cures everything. He is doing an excellent job and a few weeks can make a difference. Meanwhile, he has the support of Geri and the team is doing well. There are no logical reasons to break this balance“, he explained in the interview with Jonathan McEvoy.