Raffaele Palladino, dribbling on the future

The words of Raffaele Palladino
Raffaele Palladino spoke on the eve of the match against Lazio in the league: "I don’t like to think about who I don’t have and haven’t had available, I’m sorry we lost so many on the way but that’s part of the game. I think we missed them a lot but those who replaced them did very well. Soccer would be more beautiful without injuries but it cannot be like that. My experience has affected me a lot,” he added, “I was not able to express everything I wanted. However, I always think positively and from injuries we need to come out even stronger".
As usual there was also talk about his future: "All this news I hear but I don’t give it any weight. Right now the priority è è Monza. I am very focused on these four games we have left, I want to do them to the maximum because we still have so many goals to achieve. Then we will make the evaluations at the end".
"I often walk around the cityà and feel the mood, the fans are overjoyed and that makes me proud. As does giving joy to them and improving every single boy. For a coach è the most rewarding thing. There isn't anything I wouldn't do again, I feel I have given everything for this team and have written together with my staff pages of history for this club".