Juan Pablo Montoya, chilling revelations.

The words of Juan Pablo Montoya
Juan Pablo Montoya in the’latest episode of Beyond The Grid confessed some interesting anecdotes related to his arrival in Formula 1: "I remember my engineer and also the mechanics were telling me in 2002, when the fight was tight, ‘Put it on pole or crash’. As if to say: we don’t care about fixing the car as long as you play for the pole position. When in your mind the ’accident è irrelevant, you normally don’t crash, because you don’t think about it. In my time, races were qualifying. We used to qualify every lap“.
"One of the most beautiful experiences I had in F1 è was when I started doing all the tests with Michelin – continued the Colombian -. I was coming from IndyCar, where you had to manage a little bit’ the tires. So’ I went and I remember doing a very good lap. And then è it got better and better, like I had to manage the pace. They got mad at me, they said, “We need you to do only qualifying laps. You need to destroy the tire‘. In fact in my first race in Australia, I remember I had Panis in front of me. And in my mind I was thinking: that I should be able to beat Panis. Nothing against him, è really good, he won in Monaco, but I had to beat him. Yet he was going away. So I started doing all the qualifying laps and I was catching up with him but the engine è exploded. We had so little degradation that as the fuel got used up, we were going faster“.
“The way I saw qualifying, any point where the car was not moving meant that it could go faster. And that was the mentality. I liked to walk on the razor’s edge: at high speed, if you went and the car didn’t bob, it meant you could go faster“, he concluded.