Torino: Ivan Juric admits doubts before renewal

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A renewal now a foregone conclusion, although doubts were not lacking.

Calciomercato Torino: Ivan Juric armors himself to the Granata bench, even though he acknowledges that he has faced some doubts along the way. He does so in the press conference preceding the challenge against that Verona that contributed in no small way to his explosion as an emerging Serie A coach. In his conversation with journalists, there is no shortage of market indications.

"When you sign a contract with your companyà you make a commitment. And so you have to be convinced, 100 percent,” Juric explained.

I am; it would have been different if I had seen a team made up of quitters. In that case I would have said I was wrong, but it è not so here at Torino. So I have no sense of guilt, on the contrary".

"I do not know if in the future I will start a season again when my contract expires,” Juric admitted, however. “I am not in a position to say what will happen, I know, however, that the moment you sign you have to respect the commitment you made. So you have to keep working until the last day, with the utmost conviction".

Juric then expanded the discourse to the surrender of Serie A coaches, following his longtime mentor Gian Piero Gasperini&#39s Europa League exploit with Atalanta. "Our movement è superior to others. Here we struggle more than facing foreign teams, in fact Atalanta performs better in Europe, and the same goes for Vincenzo Italiano’s Fiorentina. However, their successes make even the ninth place attractive, so we will try to do the best", concluded the Torino coach.

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