VR46: Fabio Di Giannantonio enjoys first points, while Marco Bezzecchi makes mea culpa

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The statements of the Pertamina Enduro VR46 riders after the Le Mans Sprint Race


The Sprint Race of the Le Mans GP è ended bittersweetly for Pertamina Enduro VR46, which saw Fabio Di Giannantonio finish in seventh place and win the first points for the team, and Marco Bezzecchi, who saw the possibility of finishing in second place fade away due to a crash with three laps to go. To the team’s official channels, the two centaurs analyzed their performance.

"I felt really good, everything was under control. I had a great pace, Jorge (Martin ed) was closer and I understood that Marc (Marquez ed) was coming from behind and I tried to push to open a little bit’ the gap and have margin for the last laps. I made a mistake in Turn 9 and couldn’t recover. It was not needed, a pity to have lost the podium. I can’t be happy, but it was important to confirm competitive here as well. Tomorrow I think the pace will beà moreù high, there will beà the weather to understand, but we can do well" these the words of Marco Bezzecchi.

"In qualifying I had a very good feeling, I felt I had some margin that I could not make the most of because of the yellow flags. In the race, on the other hand, right away I started to have a special feeling. Too bad, I struggled, we have to analyze the data and understand, our potential was definitely different. Overall I finished the Sprint in the points for the first time this season and I know I have a pace to be with the best tomorrow. We only understand what will doà the weather" these, instead, the statements of Fabio Di Giannantonio.

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