Leonardo Fabbri breaks Italian record in the shot put

Leonardo Fabbri breaks Italian record in the shot put
Framed afternoon for Italian athletics at the Savona meet. After the Italian record signed by Zaynab Dosso in the 100 meters, Leonardo Fabbri breaks the national record in the shot put. The Florentine athlete set a measurement of 22.95 meters, surpassing by four centimeters the legendary 22.91 of Olympic champion Alessandro Andrei, which had held out for 37 years.
“We hugged with Zaynab and è it was beautiful. I finally got this provincial record – joked Leonardo Fabbri (Aeronautica) to the official FIDAL channels for taking away the Italian record from another Florentine – I am really happy, I saw my coach Paolo Dal Soglio crying and I cried too. Crazy stuff!".
"For me Alessandro Andrei means everything, if I am here è thanks to him. I always had his shadow growing up, all I needed was this record and I made it. I am so happy becauseé the level has è risen so much and it was not easy. I did three competitions last year above 22 meters and now I am starting to throw with ease over 22 and a half so it is going really well".
"I really enjoyed it becauseé I am still not very well, the top è always very fast and today I had to wait a little bit’ for the throws. I’m so confident, for now it’s going very well soì" concluded the blue weightlifter.