Milan, Thiaw accepts fans’ protest

Thiaw’s words
A.C. Milan defender Malick Thiaw to Corriere dello Sport also touched on the sensitive topic of the protest: "We understand it, also because it is A.C. Milan, which è a great team. Our fans have every right to be angry, because theyé show love. And we as players know that we definitely have to do better. That people are not satisfied with our performance è something to accept. We also have to be able to listen, thinking that we can achieve different results in the next season".
Chapter Maldini: "One year è has been enough to pass on special advice, as he is a great footballer: those I keep for myself. I think he was one of the best, if not the best ever, of all-time defenders. I am young and I have seen Maldini play very little, but però I have watched a lot of videos. And è it was really a pleasure to be able to compare myself with him for a year here at Milan. It's an opportunity that is worth a lot, for my career".
Maldini was decisive for his arrival: " I received a phone call from my manager who told me to have a call with Maldini because he wanted to talk to me. I was very surprised at the time, to know that there was interest from Milan. Then everything è went on well and I made the right choice".