Piero Bucchi returns to Brindisi: ‘I have it in my heart’

The first words of Piero Bucchi
Piero Bucchi gave his first words as the new coach of Happy Casa Brindisi in a press conference: "A wonderful emotion to come back here among so many friends and people who love me. My family and I have Brindisi in our hearts. The president’s phone call touched me and sincerely made me think at the same time. I thought about it because of the great sense of responsibility I have toward the cityà and the fans".
"I came back here becauseé I am convinced that this can be another ride. I wanted a two-year against a three-year proposal because’I want to try to win right away in this two-year period. With the’help, strength and warmth of the people of Brindisi we will try to return to Serie A" concluded the former coach of Dinamo Sassari.
"Twenty days have passed since the bitter disappointment of relegation – added President Marino – but after twenty minutes it was already well imprinted the fast restart we needed. The first phone call è was to’friend Piero Bucchi, our relationship over these years è has always been firmly established at every stage of our sports and personal".
"There are times in life when you have to make quick decisions, reacting to the hardest defeats to give a new impetus. Coach Piero Bucchi is coming back to Brindisi for a serious project and with the 'cockiness' right to bring us back to Serie A"” the president of the Apulian team commented.