Venice takes a step toward the final

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Palermo-Venezia 0-1

Venice takes a big step toward the final of the Serie B playoffs. The Laguna players, in fact, conquered the 'Barbera' in Palermo, defeating the hosts by a narrow margin. Deciding the first leg of the semifinal è was a goal by Pierini in the second half, which froze the Rosanero fans.

The match struggled to get off the ground: the first real chance came from Palermo on 26'with Lucioni, who took a header off Ranocchia’s cross, sending it just wide. Two minutes later Diakité engages Joronen with a shot from outside. Venezia responded with Candela, but his conclusion è central and easy prey for Desplanches.

At the beginning of the second half, a great left-footed shot by Ranocchia and the ball ending just wide. At 62' the Laguna players took the lead with a splendid conclusion from the limit by Pierini. Mignani revolutionized the attack in search of an equalizer, but in the final it was the guests who found the double with Dembelé, who, fortunately for the rosanero, è in offside.

In the return match, scheduled for Friday at 8:30 p.m. at the 'Penzo' in Venice, the Laguna players will even need only a defeat by one goal difference to get into the final, by virtue of the best ranking obtained in the league, while Palermo è called for a feat, having to win by two goals difference.

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